Is Your Country FAT?

by 11:44 PM 0 comments

They may be a member of your family. A co-worker. A friend. A classmate. The one sitting beside you in a bus, plane or next to a table in a restaurant. Yes, FAT people are everywhere.  A lot of people make fun of them and I don't like it. You just don't know what they've been through and probably being obese is not their choice. 

In 2012 the United States of America was named as the fattest country in the world (although Mexico surpasses them now as the fattest country). Asian countries are nowhere to be seen in this ranking. That's not a surprise. But this doesn't mean that we are safe from being fat.


I've been to different countries in South East Asia (and some parts in Asia) and I can only compare which country has the fattest people and which country has not. I have not done any extensive research whatsover. It's simply based on what I observed in my travels. I thought that Singapore, Hongkong, Vietnam, Beijing & Shanghai, China, Seoul, South Korea, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar are the countries with the least number of fat people. Philippines, Malaysia are Thailand are countries with the most number of fat people.  In fact Malaysia, as mentioned by the World Health Organization is the fattest country in South East Asia (Malaysia the fattest country in SEA). 

I checked in WHO's (World Health Organization) website and there you can see some facts on health issues in South East Asia. You may check their website:

Philippines is a country of meat eaters. It's very seldom that I can see vegetables being served at a birthday event, fiesta or weddings. People would rather eat than exercise. You can see big tummies everywhere and being slim or fit is not the accepted norm here. Majority of the people would choose chubbyness (with layers of fat hanging loose on each side) as next to sexyness. And the funny part is, people (mostly women) would complain so much about their weight and they wouldn't do anything about it. They just complain and laugh that they are fat, they are hopeless, they can't resist food tempations, and just wait for their blood pressure to rise and have a heart attack. Blood pressure is so common here that it seems you're not a full pledged Filipino adult if you don't have it.

There is definitely a lot you can do to live a healthy lifestyle. 
You have a lot of choices.
Choose wisely!



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.


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