by 8:32 PM 0 comments
EAT LESS. MOVE MORE. This has become my mantra in the start of 2013. I was a little bit overweight (well, really overweight) some years ago. Big mac, pizza, lasagna, KFC and all sorts of fast food delicacies were my bestfriends back then.  I thought that I still looked good. My wasteline was 36. I weighed almost 80kgs. I stand only 5 ft. 4 in tall. And for a height like this, I looked like a meatball with hands and feet. I was pretty confident with how I looked back then since I had a partner.  I mean, why would I have to make an effort to look good or be concerned with my physical built since I had a partner who was willing to love and accept me for what I look like? The year was 2009.

The turning point of my life came after I had my physical exam.  Although I wasn't diagnosed with something major but "mild fatty liver" was a wake up call. Immediately, I stopped going to McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut and all other kinds of fastfood joints. I started playing tennis as my work out. I minimized eating pork. Wheat grass was my bestfriend. And eventually, after a year of playing tennis and body cleansing, I lost a considerable amount of weight. From 80kgs - 54/55kgs. 

Now, I must say that losing weight is hard but maintaining your ideal weight is much harder. After the weight loss, I started gaining weight again until I was introduced to ZUMBA Fitness in January 2013. And FITNESS (not just zumba) is what this blog is all about. Being involved in the fitness industry is something that I have never imagined in my entire professional career. And it's very fulfilling now that I am a fitness instructor. I'm 33 years old this year, and my journey to fitness and health has just started. 

Eat Less Move More



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