You can't enjoy your money if you're always sick...How much more if you don't have money?

by 9:18 PM 0 comments

People wonder why I’m so strict on food.
The way I see it, is that I can’t enjoy all my money if I’m sick.
I can’t enjoy my life if I am coughing, riddled with disease and sick to the bone.
A lot of what we eat has to do with how we feel. If you have ever gone on a healthy kick for more than 2 weeks, the food sucks, but you feel awesome.
Full of energy, pep, vitality and happiness.
Then you eat a hamburger and your whole body goes into a tailspin. You’re fatigued, angry, cranky, hyper, and feeling bloated.
I’ve done the above (once), and it may not be fun to eat well all the time, but it’s better than feeling like crap.
Think of how you feel after a huge burger (nasty), and multiply that by a thousand. That’s what it feels like to be chronically sick.
Money can’t buy everything. It can’t buy health.
I read this rather sad story of a David Murdock, a billionaire who is planning to live until 125 who lost his mother and later, his beloved (third) wife Gabriele to ovarian cancer, which devastated him.
He would have probably given up every penny he had at that point, to cure her, and he surely tried.
…he suspects that lifestyle was a culprit, and is convinced that if the two of them had eaten better sooner, she would have been spared the surgery, the radiation, the chemotherapy, the wheelchair, the year and a half of hope and fear and pain.
“If I had known what I know today,” he says, “I could have saved my wife’s life. And I think I could have saved my mother’s life too.”
Gabriele Murdock died 18 years into their marriage, in 1985.
She was 43.
It got me thinking that with that kind of mentality, why wouldn’t I, someone young and healthy, continue to try and stay young and healthy so that I don’t ever have to be in that position?
That’s not to say that I think cancer is caused by diet per se, but there are preventable diseases out there, particularly Type 2 Diabetes, which runs in my family.
I will not be able to go to Mr. Murdock’s extremes, but I am actively doing things to preserve my life such as:
  • Very little sugar in general (this includes honey, maple syrup, etc because your body doesn’t know the difference)
  • Cutting back on salt significantly
  • Ban on fast food and processed foods — it means nothing in a box or a can other than dried pasta/rice 
  • Eating less meat (beef, pork, and chicken)
  • Eating more vegetarian and vegan meals
  • More fruits and veggies
  • Eating raw, and as real as possible food (meat has to look like the part of the cow it came from)
  • Exercise — even half an hour a day helps
It’s both empowering and scary to think that food can make such a difference in your health.
Most people will spend their LAST 10 years of their life in sickness.
So imagine that when you’re sick with the flu for instance, you don’t even want to get up and out of bed to do anything. Can you imagine spending 10 years in that same kind of funk?
Your body doesn’t work, it aches, you feel pains, your joints are inflamed… these are all problems that we experience as we get older, so why not take care of our bodies NOW with good fuel and food so that they don’t have such problems (or less of them) as we age?
Food is really the best medicine for your body.



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