YOGA In Focus: Nick Horton

by 6:24 PM 0 comments
Nick Horton
Contributor - Olympic Weightlifting, Sports Psychology
United States, Oregon, Portland
Olympic Weightlifting
Sport Psychology
Nick Horton is not your average Olympic Weightlifting coach. He's been practicing Zen meditation for over a decade and applies the lessons he's learned to both his coaching and to his writing. He is of the belief that your body follows your mind. If you don't train your mind, then you're not ever going to be as physically strong as you could have been otherwise.
While his first major in college was music, Nick eventually switched to mathematics and loves math for the same reasons he loves weightlifting: because they are hard. He is now finishing a Masters degree in Math with a focus in Game Theory and the Mathematics of Human Behavior.  
Nick is certified through both USA Weightlifting and CrossFit as an Olympic Weightlifting Coach. He can also be found online via his blog, The IronSamurai, which can be summed up by its subtitle: Zen and the Art of Weightlifting.



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