Fat Enablers

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Fat Enablers

Let’s not talk about your fatty liver that is bound to fail, or your kidneys that have started leaking proteins. Let’s not talk about high blood pressure, tripled risk for cancer or stroke. Let’s not talk about the medications you are taking or are soon to be taking because of your obesity. Let’s not talk about your arteries or atherosclerosis that’s slowly creeping in on you, or the sudden cardiac arrest eyeing you from the corner. Let’s not talk about your poor knees and hips that have been wearing out due to all that extra weight. Let’s not even talk about that ugly glutton that looks back at you when you look into the mirror. No, today that’s not what I want to talk about.

Today I want to talk to you about Fat Enablers.

If there is one thing that’s more disgusting than gluttony and the joy you feel from unmetered eating, it’s the Fat Enablers that you are surrounded by.

Who are Fat Enablers?

Fat Enablers are those who continuously prolong your Fat Delusion and support your overeating, directly or indirectly.

It could be anyone. Your friends, your family, your spouse, coworkers, politicians, public figures and celebrities. Fat Enabling is thriving in businesses and organizations all around us.

It’s costing you your health, it’s costing you your happiness, it’s costing you your longevity, it’s costing you missed opportunities and life experiences. All so that you don’t feel a little pain from hurt feelings.

But, I must ask: Do they care about the pain you feel in your back or knees? The pain you will feel when you get older due to a life of obesity? Do they care about the life long emotional pain you endure? They don’t. Will they be there when you will feel the greatest pain of all – REGRET? You will feel the pain you avoid today ten fold tomorrow, I promise you that and no one will jump in to save you, just like no one is pushing you out of your delusion and into action today.

Why do they do it?

A lot of time Fat Enablers are just as misinformed or plain damn stupid as you once were or still are. These are the same people that believe that some people have big bones and there’s nothing that can be done about “genetics”, because eating less than a whole pan of pizza is just not realistic. The same people that think eating less is anorexia, or that obesity just “runs” in their family.

These are the same people that will justify unmetered eating with depression, anxiety and other mental issues and will reject the notion that it can be in fact be managed. When someone is so misinformed and delusional, how can you expect them not to just accept your hog like eating habits?

Fat enabling grand parents will shower you with food and scold you when you don’t finish your trough and then have some more to fill your gullet even when they see clearly that you are not just overweight but obese. They must have been fat enabling parents themselves so it’s only natural to continue abusing their grandchildren, like they abused their own kids with extra food and poor guidance.

Fat Enabling parents will keep bringing you food and feeding you so you can grow and break scales when you stand on them. They are so delusional or blinded by what they consider “care” that they will feed you right into an early grave. It boggles my mind how parents will enable their children to become morbidly obese. It boggles my mind to see Fat Parents wobble around with their kids and not change their own lifestyles to give their young a proper example to follow. Instead they will raise gluttons like themselves and condemn their children to a life of misery and failure. It boggles my mind and it should boggle yours too. Think about it, is that who you want to be? A selfish, delusional, greedy glutton neglecting your children?

Fat Enabling spouses don’t want their partners to lose weight and get fit. Your second half could be a Fat Enabler. (It’s yet another topic that you can’t have another “half” when you already weigh as much as two people). If you were to lose weight you may get a little too much attention from others, something he/she does not want to deal with. It may require your spouse to lose weight and get fit too to keep up with you.

Your coworkers don’t give two shits about you or your obesity, especially the fat ones. If they are fat themselves, they want to keep you fat too, otherwise they may feel like shit about themselves, which they should in the first place. It’s much more comfortable for them to remain blissfully ignorant and delusional than watch you eat less and achieve human status, because then it’s harder for them to explain to themselves why they aren’t fixing themselves also.

Fat Enabling friends want you to remain fat, funny and just all around the same person you always used to be. This way they can appear more attractive when they go out with you and thus you are never competition when it comes to attracting the opposite sex. They want you to stay the same old you that you always used to be, the familiar one.

Notice that in each and every case, the Fat Enabler either has something to gain by keeping you fat, or something to lose by telling you the truth. Most people will chose to keep a good relationship with you rather than risk alienating you by attempting to open your fat eyes to the morbid reality that is the obese you.

And so the enabling continues. Lives on. Don’t fight it. Enablers are always going to be there. Instead of telling you to get your shit together they will appear sympathetic, understanding and considerate. That’s the last think you need. You need the voice of reason. You need a constant reminder. You need accountability for yourself and those that rely on you for guidance and care. You owe it to yourself to not be FAT! You owe it to your children or future children to not be FAT.

Be aware of the Fat Enablers. Dismiss and ignore all calls of compassion and “support”. Embrace criticism, rid yourself of Fat Sensitivity and keep weighing in every Saturday to make sure you are losing at least 2 pounds by eating less. Don’t start exercising until you are no longer obese and don’t forget that you are not done when you are done.

Source: http://www.drbully.com/



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